拜訪上海復旦大學 11-2016
第一屆理監事就職典禮暨如何提高政府績效管理/公共行政學術研究會 23-09-2016
Grandparents Day 2016 21-08-2016
與社會名人對談 暨 寫作技巧工作坊 12-08-2016
Book Launch held by Mr. Christopher S.K. Chung BBS, MH, JP 09-07-2016
Moment with Celebrity Series, Christopher Chung Shu-kun, BBS, MH, JP – DAB Legislative Council Member 06-07-2016
Moment with Celebrity Series, Chung Kwok Pan Functional Constituency – Textiles and Garment 06-07-2016
Moment with Celebrity Series, Ma Fung Kwok, SBS, JP – Sports, Performing Arts, Culture and Publication 06-07-2016
The Ninth Grand Opening Ceremony of the Model Legislative Council 25-06-2016
啟德體育園區研究 20-06-2016
Consultation on Kai Tak Sports Park Project 14-06-2016
《政經人講政經事》出版了 12-02-2016