Hong Kong has an ageing population. Just like all other ageing societies, Hong Kong is facing a growing demand of elderly related care services which will increase much of the public burden. Yet, regardless of the increasing burden, the expanding number of elderly people creates business opportunities to the development of silver-hair industries which targeted elderly people as major customers. Developing this industry will be important in alleviating the negative effects of ageing on the economy.
Besides, with the improvement of medical technology, elderly people after retirement can still have their position in a working environment. Promoting elderly employment can, on one hand, contributing the experiences and knowledge of elderly to the development of corporations or organizations. On the other hand, it can also enrich the livelihood of the elderly.
As a result, a public policy seminar on “Silver-hair Industry Development and Elderly Employment” was organized by the Hong Kong Sustainable Development Research Institute and Phoenix Charitable Foundation on 19th March 2013 exploring the development of silver-hair market and elderly employment in Hong Kong.
Silver-hair Industry Development and Elderly Employment
Officiating Guests of Honor
Professor Alfred Chan, BBS JP, Chairman of the Elderly Commission, HKSAR
Mr. Donald Chen, Deputy Secretary for Labour and Welfare, HKSAR
Professor S. H. Lee, SBS ISO JP Honorary Advisor of Phoenix Charitable Foundation
Mr. Michael Ng, Vice President of Phoenix Charitable Foundation
Mr. Ivan Chu, Executive Director of Hong Kong Sustainable Development Research Institute
Guest Speakers
Dr. C. K. Law, SBS JP, Associate Professor of Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong
Mr. Erwin Huang, Convener of Hong Kong Silver Market Consortium
Mrs. Teresa Tsien, Director of Institute of Active Ageing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Mr. Roger Li, Founding Chairman of Gingko House
Seminar Program (in Chinese only):
361 kB「銀髮產業發展與長者就業」研討會流程
Seminar Press Release (in Chinese only):
1 MB銀髮產業發展與長者持續就業研討會新聞稿_20130319
Seminar Summary (in Chinese only):
1 MB銀髮產業發展與長者就業研討會總結